Welcome to the Help and FAQ section of our website dedicated to crowdfunding support. Here we provide comprehensive information and answers to frequently asked questions about donations for projects in our region.


Why «Magic Wood» need you?

Just four terms: Sustainability, safety, environmental protection and order! The «Magic Wood» is not just a place, but the heart of our passion. But this heart is in danger. Your donation is the key to protecting and caring for it so that it will still be beating tomorrow.

The challenges?

The destroyed bridge to the south entrance, an overloaded sewage treatment plant, unsafe parking - each is a call for help that only you can answer. Let's overcome these hurdles together and fulfill the legal requirements.

Our goal?

Just one number: two hundred fifty thousand! Great challenges require courageous hearts. Every contribution counts. Become a shining spark in the dark. We are especially calling on those who want to make a difference with a big heart and generous donations.

Your benefit?

More than thank-you gifts - a connection. With every donation of 10 francs or more, you will directly feel the warmth of your good deed: a drink in the village restaurant, a limited edition Magic Mug, admission to the spa, a Magic Dinner, an inscription... and you become part of our history!

Donations period?

2024 marks a milestone for Ferrera and the bouldering community! We must make the most of this crucial period.

Can I donate anonymously?

Of course, an anonymous donation is also possible.

Can the current donation status be viewed?

What is Magic Card?

Everyone who joins the community (registration) and supports Magic Wood receives the Magic Card.

It is equipped with a QR code, which you need to collect your thank you.

Simply show your Magic Card at the collection point and everyone will know that you have a thank you to give.

You can find your Magic Card at any time in your profile (login) under the "Magic Card" menu.

Can I also have the thank you sent to me?

As one of our major goals is to promote Magic Wood and the Ferrera region in the long term, the thank-you gift can only be collected on site. This gives you the opportunity to experience this unique region for yourself.


Overnight accommodation in Ferrera:

Guests can choose between a campsite, a hostel in Ausserferrera and a hotel in Innerferrera to make their stay a pleasant one.

Parking facilities for day tourists:

There are currently limited parking spaces available at the campsite, in roadside bays and in Ausserferrera. We are asking day tourists to make a contribution to the crowdfunding. By doing so, you will provide secure parking facilities from 2025.


Discover Ferrera:

Ferrera consists of two villages full of character in Val Ferrera. Ausserferrera boasts the "Magic Wood", the Romanesque church in Cresta, a youth hostel and the traditional village pub. Innerferrera attracts visitors with its idyllic village square, a hospitable restaurant and the Starlera mountain hut. Both villages are starting points for hiking trails that lead you directly into nature. Ferrera comes from the word iron. Many witnesses to the past of ore mining can be found in nature or in the ore museum.


All questions are welcome. So just let us know. Write us your request and we will answer it as soon as possible.

  • To submit the form, drag the envelope with the mouse onto the postbox.